RRCA Seasons

Covid Policy Notice

Guests are required to wear a face mask at all times while inside the RRCA. This includes face shields with masks or appropriate nose and mouth coverings. We will provide masks to guests who arrive at the theatre without one. Guest will be subjected to temperature checks before entering the theatre. We kindly ask that any guest who has a fever or are experiencing any Covid-19 like symptoms refrain from coming to our theatre. If a guest has knowingly been in contact with any individuals that have been diagnosed with Coronavirus, we ask that you self quarantine and avoid the theatre until you are symptom free for 72 hours.

  • If a guest has purchased tickets and has experienced any symptoms related to Covid-19, you may request a refund.
  • Guests will be required to wear face masks at all times while in the lobby, hallways and restrooms. As per our terms of admission, any guest not complying with our policies shall be asked to leave. Guests will be welcome to return once they are compliant.
  • Greeters will be located in the lobby to assist guests with new procedural changes.
  • Guests will be encouraged to proceed to their seat as soon as possible, and exit the theatre in a timely manner at the conclusion of the performance.
  • Sanitizer dispensers will be available on either side of the main entrance.

Our Shows




River Raisin Centre for the Arts
(734) 242-RRCA * 114 S. Monroe Street * Monroe, Michigan * 48161
©2006 –25 Calm Communications - All Rights Reserved